Deadline for mailing
25th of each month
Sunday, June 15, 2008

postheadericon They all look great!

Every one's June cards are so cute! I got Heather's yesterday. Thanks Heather, it really is great...I love it! The beaded flower is beautiful!

I got mine finished today, so it will go in the mail tomorrow. So Mother, if you want to be surprised...don't look!

I was making a bunch up as class samples for a class I will be teaching at the local quilt shop late summer, and it occurred to me that putting the pellon between 2 pieces of fabric would make a good bookmark too. I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world that figured this out, but I decided to combine them with a postcard. So that is what I did for my card this month. I also made some extras for Kara, Sam and Don. But here is the first one for Mother... in the postcard's pocket.

And out.

They are really simple and quick. You can probably figure it out yourself, but if you want directions, just let me know.