Deadline for mailing
25th of each month
Monday, March 23, 2009
Ashley and I finally finished our March cards. Ashley will be sending her card to Mary this month instead of Rebecca. Rebecca does not have any time to work on making cards right now. Please don't include her next month. Thanks, Mary
Friday, March 20, 2009

postheadericon My March cards

I had Nancy's name this month and this was my *green* card for her.
This was a reject -- after telling Ann to *press not iron* these little crystals, I messed up the first one so I sent it to her to show we all mess up!

My second effort turned out just fine and it went to Adam for his birthday.
Thursday, March 19, 2009

postheadericon March cards

I was very lucky this month. I got 3 cards this month. The Shamrocks are from Ann ,The Flower and Sun are from Sarah and the butterflies are from Nancy. Thank you all I love all of them
Monday, March 16, 2009

postheadericon New cards!

Two came in today's mail!  This one from Mother.And this one from Mary.  Thank you both!   I love them!

And then I finished up my March cards and got them in the mail.  Here a few before I finished the edges.  I cut the flowers and leaves from wool with my new die cutter!  I am loving that machine.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

postheadericon Love those St. Paddy's day cards!

All your March cards look great Mother!

postheadericon more mail!

The mail lady brought another wonderful surprize today!  This card from Mother.  I love it Mother!  This looks similar to an idea in a book I bought a couple  months ago....really good use of both the idea and the fabric.   Thank you!
Monday, March 9, 2009

postheadericon Cards

Well, I'm finally home after being gone about 2 weeks. I don't count last Thursday because all I got accomplished was unpacking, laundry, and packing for Chicago.

Mom, I love your cards -- the addition of the ribbon on the shamrocks you were working on when I was there is really cute.

Deb, your Feb card is pretty and I'm looking forward to getting both my January card and the one from the MQR exchange.

Now, I need to get to work on my March card!
Sunday, March 8, 2009

postheadericon Thanks

Well it's a great technique and a very pretty card, Ann.  And you are very welcome for the fabric.   Now that I am cutting way back on customer quilting, I'll have more time to dye more fabrics to share.....once I get caught up that is.
Mary taught mom and I how the make the window pane cards. Thanks again for the beautiful fabric.


postheadericon St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is gettin close and as always at this time of year I'm thinking a lot of Pat, so I made extra cards. Here is a picture
Saturday, March 7, 2009

postheadericon Two mailed--one received

First, the received; I got this beauty from Ann today.  Thanks Ann, I love the windowpane/fractal look.  I may have to borrow that idea!And I finally caught up and mailed my delinquent cards.  Mary's  from January.  I forgot to take a finished picture, but you can see the in- progress photo here.

And This one to Nancy for our February exchange.
I even almost got my March card finished!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

postheadericon March List

I'm running late, but my cards for Jan and Feb will go out tomorrow.

In the meantime here is the list for March.  The theme is "green"

Mother's goes to Ann

Nancy's goes to Mother

Deb's goes to  Ashley

Mary's goes to Nancy

Ann's goes to Mary Ann

Mary Ann's goes to Deb

Rebecca's goes to Mary

Ashley's goes to Rebecca