Deadline for mailing
25th of each month
Saturday, March 29, 2008

postheadericon More buttons

I probably shouldn't post this one since it's going to be my exchange card for April but I have to say I love how it turned out! Of course, it was already posted on my blog so it's probably not a surprise.
I used clip art for the watering can applique; flower buttons from Joann's.

Friday, March 28, 2008

postheadericon Buttons!

I'm in love with buttons! I played in my blue buttons for these button flowers and look at the cute fish and gardening charms I found at Joann's. The flower buttons in the last photo are from there too.

Exploring ideas for using the gardening charms....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

postheadericon Mom's first postcard!

I asked Mom to look at the instructions I wrote to see if they made sense and to try to make one from them.

postheadericon Welcome

I decided to set up a blog to post deadlines, exchange partners, and photos of our finished cards. We can also use this as a place to share ideas and techniques for the cards.

Debbie has chosen April 25th as the first deadline. Everyone who has finished a card will be eligible for the exchange and she'll randomly assign us a person to send our card to.

After the first month, we'll try to mix the names up so that you end up getting cards from different people each month.

I wrote up some instructions for Mom and I'll send a copy to Nancy and Maureen. You can also view them by clicking this link:

Making Fabric Postcards

Keep in mind that this is just my way of doing them and there are lots of instructions out there. Joann's usually has some books on making fabric postcards so you may want to look there too.